Social Platforms Measurement and Benchmark
1 Lesson -
You've got a job interview, either as an inhouse social media manager or maybe some freelance work as a social media Admin coming up. You want to show the interviewers you understand their subscribers VS engagement, how many Admins they have on their Facebook Page and what countries their Instagram ads are being shown in. And do the same for their competitors.
Or maybe you want to put together a quick audit before coming to a social media course with me, making sure you know your numbers before we start. Good for you! A very short little helpful course with notes.
I recommend you fill in the sheet and send it back to me BEFORE our session. It will ensure we both know the basics of your social media current state (for your Business or Organisation) and we both are working from the same page. Hah! Same page! Geddit? :)
3 hours of mentoring in a Zoom session for a single attendee. GST included if booking through here.
6 hours of mentoring in a ZOOM session for a single attendee. GST included if booking through here.
4 hours of mentoring in Zoom sessions for a group. GST included if booking through here.
8 hours of mentoring in Zoom sessions for a group. GST included if booking through here.
for when there is a single issue that needs to be resolved QUICKLY. GST inclusive if paying here.
3 hours of setting up a Zoom Studio single attendee. GST included if booking through here.
by Laurel Papworth